
1.9 KiB


Convert mmsd MMS file to mbox.

mms2mail can convert mms in batch mode, or wait for new mms via a dbus signal sent by mmsd. By default it store them in the current user mbox (/var/mail/$USER) in case the mbox is locked by another process the output could be found in : $HOME/.mms/failsafembox



  • python3
  • python-messaging (pip install python-messaging)
  • marrow.mailer (pip install marrow.mailer)


Install the dependency and mms2mail:

pip install --user marrow-mailer
pip install --user python-messaging

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cp mms2mail ~/.local/bin

To enable the daemon mode in systemd user :

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
cp mms2mail.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
systemctl --user daemon-reload 
systemctl --user enable mms2mail
systemctl --user start mms2mail


An optional configuration file can be put in the home folder : $HOME/.mms/modemmanager/mms2mail.ini. The default value are :

mailbox = /var/mail/$USER  ; the mailbox where mms are appended
user = $USER               ; the user account specified as recipient
domain = $HOSTNAME         ; the domain part appended to phone number and user
attach_mms = false         ; whether to attach the full mms binary file


mms2mail [-h] [-d | -f FILES [FILES ...]] [--delete] [--disable-dbus] [--force-read] [--force-unlock]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --daemon          Use dbus signal from mmsd to trigger conversion
  -f FILES [FILES ...], --file FILES [FILES ...]
                        Parse specified mms files and quit
  --delete              Ask mmsd to delete the converted MMS
  --disable-dbus        disable dbus request to mmsd
  --force-read          Force conversion even if MMS is marked as read
  --force-unlock        BEWARE COULD LEAD TO WHOLE MBOX CORRUPTION Force unlocking the mbox after a few minutes /!\